Monday, November 23, 2009

Psalm 119:59-60

"I thought on my ways,

and turned my feet unto thy testimonies."

"I made haste,

and delayed not to keep thy commandments."

Lately I have really been meditating on a few things God has really been laying on my heart and mind within the context of the life events that have been shaping, and will continue to shape, my life and my perception of life: getting married in September of 2008, buying a house in March of 2009, Meghann and I finding out shes pregnant in May of 2009, and a baby on the way in February 2010 and those are just the major events! I have been finding it so easy to allow myself to just go with the flow of things as they come, and at the same time I have been finding myself questioning this flow and whether I need to do a better job as a husband and a leader to direct my life and my new family against this flow. I dont want to allow myself and my family to go down a path and then after weve traveled the path for a while realize that the way we took was not the way God desired for us to go. It would be much wiser to take the time now to carefully observe our course and make necessary changes that will honour the Lord, and this is the what I know I need to do (Lord, I need your wisdom! I cannot do it on my own!).

I was deeply encouraged today by Psalm 119:59-60. I want my life and my heart to always follow after verses such as these! I want to remain humble enough to take an objective, biblical look at my course of life, make godly determinations, and make haste to turn my feet unto Gods ways without delay O how often do we delay when it comes to the things that God desires for us to repent of and change!! How is God glorified by such a selfish heart attitude? He is not and I find myself guilty. I ought not to delay! I dont want to delay! Praise be to God for His goodness to us, His patience with our weaknesses, and how He tenderly guides us with His loving staff.

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