Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ephesians 1-3 ~ Because of our Saviour...

Through Jesus Christ we are…


Chapter 1

Given grace and peace (vs. 2)

Blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (vs. 3)

Holy and without blame before God (vs. 4)

Adopted children in God's family (vs. 5)

Accepted in the beloved (vs. 6)

Redeemed and forgiven from our sin (vs. 7)

Given an inheritance (vs. 11)

The praise of Christ's glory (vs. 12)

Sealed with the Holy Spirit (vs. 13)

Given the Holy Spirit as an earnest of our inheritance (vs. 14)

Given hope (vs. 18)


Chapter 2

Quickened from the trespasses and sins that made us dead (vs. 1)

Quickened together with Christ (vs. 5)

Raised up and seated in heavenly places (vs. 6)

Shown God's exceeding riches of grace and kindness (vs. 7)

Saved by grace through faith (vs. 8)

Saved not by our own works (vs. 9)

Created to walk in good works (vs. 10)

Made nigh to God (vs. 13)

Granted peace with God (vs. 14)

Reconciled to God (vs. 16)

Given access to the Father through the Spirit (vs. 18)

Fellowcitizens with the saints (vs. 19)

Built upon the foundation of God's apostles, prophets, and Christ (vs. 20)

The temple of the Lord (vs. 21)

The habitation of God through the Spirit (vs. 22)


Chapter 3

Fellowheirs, of the same body, and partakers of God's promises (vs. 6)

Given the unsearchable riches of Christ (vs. 8)

Given fellowship in the mystery of the church (vs. 9)

Given boldness and access with confidence to God (vs. 12)

In God's family (vs. 15)

Loved with an incomprehensible love (vs. 18-19)

Given the ability to be filled with all the fulness of God (vs. 19)



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