Saturday, March 17, 2007

The same lesson, but a little deeper...

Lately it has been a real blessing to relearn a valuable lesson from God within the experiences that have been unfolded over the last year... waiting on the Lord...

Waiting upon the Lord was a lesson that I recognized God wanted teach me approximately three or four years ago. I knew that I was learning it then because it was about me desiring something but not being able to have it at that time. I was forced to sit back and totally, sacrificially trust God to allow everything to unfold in the time and the way that I desired IF that was HIS plan for my life. It was in the circumstances surrounding these lessons that I learned that sometimes time is needed in order to wait on the Lord, and sometimes you need to wait painfully in the midst of your anxiousness.

Over this past year God has given me the opportunity to learn another aspect of waiting on the Lord, and it really has not come together in my finite understanding until this past week (and believe me, I am not saying that I understand the reason or reasons for all things in my current circumstance... that is FOR SURE). Knowing that waiting requires time, we must come to the place where we are able to understand time within the context that God created time, and therefore time is perfect. Time is a constant that can never change no matter what any person may say, not say, do, and not do. No one can speed it up, and no one can slow it down; every person is held captive to the consistent power of time. Each and every moment of time, each year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second has been set in motion as God determined it to be set.

Since it seems as if we are harnessed within the restraint of time, we can either decide to let the time taken to wait cause us pain because we are selfish about our circumstances... or we can realize God's perfect decree of time and allow Him to use it in our lives to further His glory as we faithfully and trustingly wait on Him. God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord is "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending...which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1.8)." He is the Author that is outside of his imaginative boundaries of time that He created and placed us in. There is no one and no thing that is able to be anything close to who He is, and this truth ought to cause us to trustfully wait upon Him with eagerness, joy, excitement, and gratefulness... not necessarily because of the circumstances we are waiting through, but because He is the object of our affection that has saved us and given us reason and purpose in our existence! No matter what comes our way, and no matter how long we must endure, we can trust Him... Our God transcends the time we must take to wait on Him.

There is so much more; there is so much within this matter... this is only the beginning of my thoughts on this from this past week. I can't wait to see what else God can teach me through this!...

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