Monday, March 19, 2007

What are we to do while we wait on the Lord?

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 -- "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

Thinking about the whole waiting patiently on the Lord topic, the verse above really stuck in my mind... especially today. As God allows us to pass time here on this earth and in this life, we ought to realize what we are to do as we pass time. From the book of Ecclesiastes we can find that Solomon passed his time trying to find fulfillment in his life by pursuing everything that this world had to offer and everything that he could think of that could satisfy our flesh. Solomon's approach took him to one thing, then another, and another, and then something else, and then trying another thing... but all of these "things" life left him longing for something more... They never satisfied his inner longing for purpose and fulfillment. Then, when all was said and done, he logically and reasonably concludes that fulfillment in life is fearing, respecting, and honoring God in all one can do, and to keep the Word of God in obedience. This place that Solomon came to is a place where we all must come... realizing that total submission and obedience to God and His Word is the end of all we could desire.

Full and total obedience to God and His Word will always at least require 3 things: (1) a desire and willingness to follow God wherever, whenever, however (Isaiah 6.8; John 6.66-69)... (2) trusting God and His Word despite yourself, your emotions, your experiences, and your logical reasoning (Proverbs 3.5-6)... (3) the ability to practically follow through and obey God even when obedience is difficult and does not make too much sense at the time (Jeremiah 20.7-9; Acts 9.10-18).

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